Dr. Ole W. Fischer Dipl Architect ETH/SIA

List of Publications:

Authored Books:

2012 Ole W. Fischer, Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van de Velde – von Philosophie zu Form [Nietzsche's Shadow: Henry van de Velde – from Philosophy to Form], (Berlin: Gebrüder Mann, 2012) (in German).


Edited Books:

2010 Cordula Rau, Eberhard Tröger, Ole W. Fischer (eds.), Sehnsucht – The Book of Architectural Longings: German Contribution to the 12th international Architecture Exhibition / Deutscher Beitrag auf der 12. Internationalen Architekturausstellung La Biennale di Venezia 2010, (Wien: Springer, 2010) (bi-lingual edition German/English), Award for Austria’s best-designed books 2010 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture of Austria, Vienna.

2008 Ákos Moravánszky, Ole W. Fischer (eds.), Precisions – Architecture between Sciences and the Arts, (Berlin: Jovis, 2008), published with support of the SNF Swiss National Funds (bi-lingual edition German/English).


Book Chapters:

2020 "The Nietzsche Monument Weimar – Building for the Modern Body and Spirit?" in: Veronika Rollova, Cyril Riha (eds.): Art and Evolution. A Festschrift for Jindrich Vybiral (Prague: Umprum, 2020), p.66–81 (in English).

2020 "Institutionalized Critique? – On the (Re)Birth of Architectural Theory after Modernism: ETH and MIT compared", in: Sebatsian Loosen, Rajesh Heynickx, Hilde Heynen (eds.): Theory’s History, 196X-199X. Challenges in the Historiography of Architectural Knowledge. Volume II: The Figure of Knowledge Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2020), p. 145–159 (in English).

2020 "Ein Gleichgewicht positive und negative Kräfte – Henry van de Veldes physiologische Linientheorie (A Balance of positive and negative forces – Henry van de Velde’s physiological theory of the line)", in: Cornelia Zumbusch, Eckart Goebel (eds.), Balance. Figuren des Äquilibriums in den Kulturwissenschaften (Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2020), p. 167–80 (in German).

2019 "Institutionalisierte Kritik? Über die (Neu-)Geburt der Architekturtheorie nach der Moderne", in: Carola Ebert, Eva Maria Froschauer, Christiane Salge (eds.), Vom Baumeister zum Master. Formen der Architekturlehre vom 19. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert (Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2019), p. 358–79 (in German).

2018 "Drawing on Contingency", in: Margitta Buchert (ed.), Prozesse Reflexiven Entwerfens / Processes of Reflexive Design. Design Research in Architecture and Landscape (DARA) (Berlin: Jovis, 2018), p. 106–122 (English/German).

2018 "Der Archipel-Urbanismus – Oswald Mathias Ungers, Rem Koolhaas und Strategien für die schrumpfende Stadt", in: Elmar Kossel, Brigitte Soelch (eds.), Platz-Architekturen. Kontinuität und Wandel öffentlicher Stadträume vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart (Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2018), p. 283–95 (in German).

2017 "The Veil of Truth? – Henry van de Velde, Adolf Loos, Hermann Muthesius and the battle over ornament in modern architecture", in: Loretta Vandi (ed.), Ornament and European Modernism: From Art Practice to Art History (London: Routledge, 2017), p. 104–135 (in English).

2017 "Gefangen in der Selbstreferentialität? – Bemerkungen zur digitalen Nachahmung analoger Zeichenprozesse [Imprisoned in Self-Referentiality? – Notes on the digital mimesis of analogue drawing processes]", in: Eva von Engelberg-Dockal, Markus Krajewski, Frederike Lausch (eds.), Mimetische Praktiken in der neueren Architektur. Prozesse und Formen der Ähnlichkeitserzeugung (Heidelberg: arthistoricum.net, 2017), p. 40–50 (in German).

2016 "Architecture in/out of the Boudoir? – The Autonomy of Architecture and the Architecture of Autonomy", in: Teresa Stoppani (ed.), This Thing called Theory (London: Routledge, 2016), p. 33–44 (in the series: Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities) (in English).

2016 "Discontinued by Mobilization – Henry van de Velde, the Theater in Cologne and Werkbund Reform", in: Marine Branland (ed.), 1914: Guerre et Avant-garde / 1914: War and the Avant-Gardes, (Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2016), p. 39–49 (in English).

2016 "Analoger Blob vs. Digitale Box? – Preston Scott Cohen, Valerio Olgiati und das Scheitern in der Architektur [Analogue Blob vs. Digital Box? – Preston Scott Cohen, Valerio Olgiati and Failure in Architecture]", in: Ekkehard Drach (ed.), Das Verschwinden der Architekten. Architektonische Praxis innerhalb prekärer Entwurfsverhältnisse [The Vanishing of Architects. Architectural practice within precarious design relations] (Bielefeld: transcript, 2016), p. 157–173 (in German).

2015 "Architecture Anyone? – A non-profit and the Travelling Circus of Theory", in: Giovanna Borasi (ed.), The Other Architect. Another Way of Building Architecture, a book complementing the exhibition The Other Architect at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, 27 October 2015 – 3 April 2016, (Montréal: Canadian Center of Architecture, Spector Books, 2015), p. 408–410 (in English).

2015 "»All Art is Erotic« – Adolf Loos, Henry van de Velde, Ornament and Crime," in: Oliver Böni, Japhet Johnstone (eds.), The Crimes of Passion – Representing Sexual Pathology in the Early 20th Century, (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2015), p. 196–212 (in English).

2015 "»La trahison des images« – Architecture, Immersion and the Digital Realm," in: Burcu Dogramaci, Fabienne Liptay (eds.), Immersion in the Visual Arts and Media, (Leiden: Brill, Rodopi, 2015, in the series: Studies in Intermediality. Volume 9, edited by Walter Bernhart), p. 300–318 (in English).

2015 "Insular Utopias? – Henry van de Velde, Peter Zumthor, and the Gesamtkunstwerk," in: Carsten Ruhl, Chris Dähne, Rixt Hoeksta (eds.), The Death and Life of the Total Work of Art. Henry van de Velde and the Legacy of a Modern Concept, (Berlin: Jovis, 2015), p. 146–163 (in English).

2015 "Die unerträgliche Gegenwart der Vergangenheit – Der Deutsche Pavillon: Pièce de Résistance oder die Stolpersteine von Venedig", in: Jan May und Sabine Meine (eds.), Der Deutsche Pavillon. Ein Jahrhundert nationaler Repräsentation auf der internationalen Kunstausstellung »La Biennale di Venezia« 1912–2012, (Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner, 2015), p. 141–150 (in German). (In the series: Studi – Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Studienzentrums in Venedig Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani. Neue Folge. Band XIII, ed. by Michael Matheus).

2014 "Die Krise der Kritik – Vom beredsamen Schweigen über Architektur und Stadt [Crisis of Critique – On the Eloquent Silence on Architecture and the City]", in: Ingo H. Warnke and Beatrix Busse (eds.), Place-Making in urbanen Diskursen [Place-Making in Urban Discourses], (Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2014), p. 315–27 (in German).

2014 "Aufbruch in die Moderne zwischen Typisierung und Individualisierung – Die Werkbund-Debatte 1914–2014", in: This is modern. Deutsche Werkbund Ausstellung Venedig 2014, collateral exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia 2014, (Berlin: Jovis, 2014), p. 78–92 (in German).

2014 "Dawn of Modernity between Typification and Individualisation – The Werkbund Debate 1914–2014", in: This is modern. German Werkbund Exhibition Venice 2014, collateral exhibition at the Biennale di Venezia 2014, (Berlin: Jovis, 2014), p. 78–92 (in English).

2013 "From liquid space to solid bodies – Architecture between neoliberalism and control society", in: Anselm Wagner; Ana Jeinic (eds.), Is There (Anti)Neoliberal Architecture?, (Berlin: Jovis, 2013), p. 14–31 (in English).

2013 "Reflexionen in Spiegelglas… – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson und die Glashäuser. Eine kulturgeschichtliche Betrachtung [Reflections in mirror glass… Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson and the glass houses. A study in cultural history]", in: Kerstin Plüm (ed.), Mies van der Rohe im Diskurs. Innovationen – Haltungen – Werke. Aktuelle Positionen, (Bielefeld: transcript, 2013), p. 139–158 (in German).

2013 "Museen für Nietzsches Neuen Menschen? Henry van de Veldes Planung zum »Universalmuseum« Erfurt zwischen Krise und Wille zum Stil [A Museum for Nietzsche’s New Man? – Henry van de Velde’s Project for the Universal Museum in Erfurt between Crisis and Will to Style]", in: Miriam Krautwurst, Kai Uwe Schierz (eds.), Henry van de Velde. Ein Universalmuseum für Erfurt, (Berlin: Kerber Art, 2013) (catalogue for the Angermuseum Erfurt), p. 57–79 (in German).

2013 "Bauen für den Übermenschen? – Peter Behrens, Henry van de Velde und die Suche nach einem Nietzsche-Stil [Building for the Superhuman? – Peter Behrens, Henry van de Velde and the Search for a Nietzsche-Style]", in: Thomas Föhl, Claus Pese (Eds.), Peter Behrens – Vom Jugendstil zum Industriedesign, (Weimar: Weimarer Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013) (catalogue for the Kunsthalle Erfurt and Designmuseum Gent), p. 92–105 (in German).

2013 "Weimarer Transkriptionen: Henry van de Velde interpretiert Friedrich Nietzsche [Weimar transcripts: Henry van de Velde interprets Friedrich Nietzsche]", in Hellmut Th. Seemann, Thorsten Valk (eds.) Jahrbuch der Klassik Stiftung Weimar 2013: Prophet des Neuen Stils. Der Architekt und Designer Henry van de Velde, yearbook of the Classics Foundation Weimar, (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2013), p. 53–64 (in German).

2012 "Auf der Suche nach einer Architektur der Erkennenden? – Henry van de Velde liest Friedrich Nietzsche [Searching for the architecture of the perceptive? – Henry van de Velde reads Friedrich Nietzsche]", in: Barbara von Orelli-Messerli (ed.), Ein Dialog der Künste: Architekturbeschreibungen in der Literatur der Neuzeit, (Petersberg: Imhof 2012), p. 136–152 (in German).

2012 "Archipelago Urbanism? / Die Stadt als Archipel?", in: GAM08 – Graz Architecture Magazine: Dense Cities, (Vienna, New York: Springer, 2012), p. 80–93 (bi-lingual edition German/English).

2012 "Chapter 1.2: Architecture, Capitalism and Criticality", in: C. Greig Crysler; Stephen Cairns; Hilde Heynen (eds.), The Sage Handbook of Architectural Theory, (London: Sage, 2012), p. 56–69 (in English).

2012 "Slow Architecture? The Myth of Local Resistance to Globalization in Architecture: A Critique." in: Ikhlas Sabuni, Jorge Vanessa (eds.), Local Identities Global Challenges (Washington D.C: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2012), p. 141–146 (in English).

2011 "Structural Ornament and Ornamental Structure: Notes on the Textile Basis of (Modern) Architecture", in: Tristan Weddigen (ed.), Metatextile – Identity and History of a Contemporary Art Medium, (Emsdetten/Berlin: Edition Imorde, 2011), p. 165–174 (in English).

2011 "Die Immersion der Architektur und die Architektur der Immersion. – Gedanken über Architektur, Bild und städtischen Raum im Zeitalter ihrer digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit [The immersion of architecture and the architecture of immersion. – Thoughts on architecture, image and urban space in the age of digital reproduction]” in: Wilhelm Hofmann (ed.), Stadt als Erfahrungsraum der Politik [The city as experimental space of politics], in the series: Studien zur visuellen Politik, Bd. 7 [Studies on visual politics, Vol. 7], (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2011), p. 59–78 (in German).

2011 "Von der Schwierigkeit, Nietzsche-Leser zu lesen / On the Difficulty of Reading of Reader of Nietzsche", in: GAM 07. Zero Landscape – Graz Architecture Magazine, (Vienna: Springer, spring 2011), p. 323–326 (bi-lingual German/English).

2010 "Between the lines. – Architecture as projective product or critical institution," in: Hilde Heynen, Alex Rauta (eds.), 43 Proceedings of Four EAAE-ENHSA Sub-Network Workshop on Architectural Theory Hasselt (2006), Trondheim (2007), Lisbon (2008), Fribourg (2009), (Leuven: EAAE, 2010), p. 31–39 (in English).

2010 "Masterpieces – Maneuvers between Contiguity and Autonomy", in: Hilde Heynen, Alex Rauta (eds.), 43 Proceedings of Four EAAE-ENHSA Sub-Network Workshop on Architectural Theory Hasselt (2006), Trondheim (2007), Lisbon (2008), Fribourg (2009), (Leuven: EAAE, 2010), p. 219–229 (in English).

2010 "More than words? – Preliminary notes on theory/practice, research/design in architecture", in: Hilde Heynen, Alex Rauta (eds.), 43 Proceedings of Four EAAE-ENHSA Sub-Network Workshop on Architectural Theory Hasselt (2006), Trondheim (2007), Lisbon (2008), Fribourg (2009), (Leuven: EAAE, 2010), p. 280–287 (in English).

2010 "Criticality/Kritikalität" in: Florian Höllerer, Jean-Baptiste Joly (eds.), Lexikon der sperrigen Wörter, (Stuttgart: merz & solitude, 2010), p. 72-74 (bi-lingual in German/English).

2010 "A short history of the Post-Condition in Architecture", in: Akademie Schloss Solitude (ed.), Things Beyond Control - Like Love and Art. Jahrbuch 10: Zwanzig Jahre Akademie Schloss Solitude, (Stuttgart: merz & solitude, 2010), p. 86–87 (in English).

2010 "The birth of modernity out of the spirit of music – Henry van de Velde and the Nietzsche Archive", in: Bandyapodhyay; Lomholt; Temple; Tobe; (eds.), The Humanities in Architectural Design – A contemporary and historical perspective, (London: Routledge, 2010), p. 237–246 (in English).

2010 "Peter Zumthor: Topographie des Terrors [Peter Zumthor: Topography of Terror]", in: Carsten Krohn (ed.), Unbuilt Berlin – Das ungebaute Berlin – Stadtkonzepte im 20. Jahrhundert, (Berlin: DOM publishers, 2010), (catalogue to the exhibition: Das ungebaute Berlin, Berlin July 16 – August 15 2010), p. 317–319 (in German).

2009 "Die Immersion der Architektur und die Architektur der Immersion – Gedanken über die Architektur im Zeitalter ihrer digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit [The Immersion of Architecture and the Architecture of Immersion – Notes on Architecture in the age of digital reproduction]", in: Ernst Seidl (ed.), Kunst und Politik: Politische Raumtypen – Zur Wirkungsmacht öffentlicher Bau- und Stadtstrukturen im 20. Jahrhundert, in the series: Jahrbuch der Guernica-Gesellschaft, (Göttingen: VR Unipress, 2009), p. 131–145 (in German).

2008 "Ins Leere widerspochen. – Adolf Loos und seine Polemik gegen Henry van de Velde [Objected into the void. Adolf Loos and his polemics against Henry van de Velde]", a comparative study on the two unequal style reformers on basis of their theoretic and architectonic oeuvre, in: Akos Moravánszky, Bernhard Langer, Elli Mosayebi, (eds.), Adolf Loos: die Kultivierung der Architektur, (Zurich: gta, 2008), pp 83–116 (in German).

2008 "An Experimental Workshop of Modernity – Reformist Design Education from van de Velde to Bauhaus", in: Reto Geiser (ed.), Explorations – Architecture, Research and Design. Catalogue of the Swiss Pavilion of the Biennale di Venezia 2008, (Basel, Boston: Birkhäuser, 2008), p. 208–209 (in English).

2008 "Atmospheric Interferences – On the production of physical presence in the age of digital representation", in: Gleiter / Korrek / Zimmermann (eds.), The Reality of the Imaginary – Architecture and the Digital Image, 10. International Bauhaus Colloquium Weimar, (Weimar: Universitätsverlag, 2008), p. 279–286 (in English).

2008 "Precisions on Precisions. Architecture, arts and sciences? / Präzisionen zu »Precisions« – Architektur, Kunst und Wissenschaft?", editorial essay on the disciplinarity of architecture under the regime of technological progress, in: Ole W. Fischer, Ákos Moravánszky (eds.), Precisions – Architecture between Sciences and the Arts, (Berlin: Jovis, 2008), p. 16–47, published with support of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF (bi-lingual German/English).

2007 "Theory after Theory? – Preliminary Notes on the Reformulation of a Critical Agenda in Architecture", in: GAM 04. Emerging Realities – Graz Architecture Magazine, (Vienna: Springer, 2007), p. 84–107 (bi-lingual German/English).


Edited Journals:

2021 faculty co-editor with Michael Abrahamson of the peer reviewed journal after international CfP for contemporary critical positions on architecture and society, Dialectic VIII: Subverting – Unmaking Architecture?, introduction by Lisa Henry, with contributions by Michael Abrahamson "Turning the Master’s House Against Itself"; Seung-Youp Lee and Chelsea Wait, "The Role of Fieldwork: Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures Field School and Architectural Pedagogy"; Claire Bosmans, "Inhabitation as Implicit Urban Project: An Ethnography of Spatial Interstices"; Ashley Bigham "Five Points of »Informal« Architecture: Toward an Architecture of Abundance"; Chris Cornelius "Continuums of Drawing and Building (Interview with Michael Abrahamson)"; James Miller and Eric Nay, "Architecture and the Rights of Nature"; Annelies de Smet, "Trip Mr. Nobody up by Architecting Your Bodyminds, S’il Vous Plaît"; Colin Ripley, "(Im)proper Subversion: Taking Architecture from Behind"; (San Francisco: Oro Editions, University of Utah School of Architecture, spring 2021), with support of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, Il. (in English).

2018 faculty editor of the peer reviewed journal after international CfP for contemporary critical positions on the notion of craft in the 21st century, Dialectic VI: Craft – The Art of Making Architecture, with a foreword by Mimi Locher, with contributions by: Hans Teerds, "Vita Architectura. Architecture, Craftsmanship and the Public World"; Phoebe Crisman"Toward an Ecology of Architectural Craft"; José Galarza, "Restoring Presence: Valuing the Building Craft of Non-Western Knowledge Systems"; Richard Woditsch, Mark Kammerbauer, "Craftsmanship vs. Craftiness: The Greek polykatoikia as »adequate« Architecture"; Joshua Bard, Francesca Torello, "Plaster ReCast: Augmented Reality as Medium for Craft-focused Pedagogy"; Charlott Greub, "Craft as Process and Performance of Resistance? – Rotor, Wim Delvoye and »Deconstructing« Architecture"; Kevin Jones,"An Expanded Role for Craft in the Socially Engaged Spatial Practices of Theaster Gates and Assemble"; Patrick Haughey, "Caulked: Details, Style and the Aesthetics of Impermanence in 21st Century Design"; Ashish Mohite, Mariia Kochneva, Toni Kotnik, "The Making of Undesignable Textural Effects"; Virginia Melnyk, "Where the Computer Ends and the Making Begins: Explorations in spandex fabric structures" (San Francisco: Oro Editions, University of Utah School of Architecture, fall 2018) (in English).

2016 faculty editor of the peer reviewed journal after international CfP for contemporary critical positions on architecture and society, Dialectic IV: Architecture at Service, with contributions by: Joan Ockman: "Rethinking the Concept of an Architectural Avant-Garde in and for the Twenty-First Century", Prescott Muir: "Sui Generis: Architecture Caught Between Lazy and Useless", Joe Colistra: "Critical Practice: Alternative Modes of Development", B.D. Wortham-Galvin: "Agency and Actions in the Making of Place", David Ross Scheer: "Peter Eisenman’s Service: Discourse or Distraction?", Peter Olshavsky: "Hidden Multitude: Libeskind’s Three Lessons in Architecture", Matthias Rudolph, Nikolas Lelle: "Concrete Abstraction: On a Critical Theory of (New) Brutalism", Marcela Garcia: "Architects to the Rescue: Exhibitions in the Architectural Gallery Aedes, 2000-2015", Sharóne L. Tomer: "Reframing »Service«: Fashioning Architectures of Engagement in Cape Town", Alissa de Wit-Paul: "Eco-Architecture Advocates: Mazria, Reynolds and Predock’s Professional Crossroads Between Architecture and Environmentalism" (San Francisco: Oro Editions, University of Utah School of Architecture, fall 2016) (in English).

2014 faculty editor of the newly launched peer-reviewed journal after international CfP for contemporary critical positions on architecture and economy: Dialectic 2: Architecture between Boom and Bust, introduction by Prescott Muir and with contributions by: Patrick Haughey: "The Aesthetics of Negligence: Architecture in the Age of Inequality", Lisa Henry Benham: "Storytelling as Agency: The Urban Gallery Studio in New Orleans", Laura Hardy and Shawn Komlos: "Spomeniks of former Yugoslavia: Images of the Second World War Memorials", Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh: "Size Matters", Julia Sedlock: "Architecture on the High Seas: Adventures in the Excessively Small", Pablo v. Frankenberg: "Iconicity, Contingency, Junk Space: Architecture Beyond Criticism", Harrison Ratcliff-Bush and Shundana Yusaf: "Works of Fiction", Thomas Mical: "Glam Architecture for Desiring-Machines", Yazid Anani: "Pacification by Cappuccino: Schizophrenia between Colonial and Postcolonial Realities" (Salt Lake City: School of Architecture/University of Utah Press, spring 2014), with support of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, Il (in English).


Essays in Journals:

2017 "Grey Matters…" in: Dialectic V: The Figure of the Vernacular (fall 2017), p. 39–50 (in English).

2015 "Die Schönheit der Vorstadt – Marc Angélil und Michael Hirschbichler lernen von der Peripherie", in: Archplus 219, V. 48 (July 2015), p. Z12–Z13 (in German).

2015 "Architektur, Theorie, Kritik?" in: Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, No. 4, 2015, V. 102 (April 2015), Magazine of the Swiss Architects Federation BSA, p. 47–48 (in German).

2014 "De Architectura Libri Quindecim [15 Books on Architecture]," observation on the 14th International Architecture Exhibition, Biennale di Venezia 2014, in: Cynthia Davidson (ed.), Log 32, New York: Anyone Corporation, fall 2014, p. 78–79 (in English).

2014 "In the Shadow of the Past: The German Pavilion: Pièce de résistance or the stumbling stones of Venice? / Im Schatten der Vergangenheit: Der deutsche Pavillon: Pièce de Résistance oder die Stolpersteine von Venedig?", in: Archplus 217: Get Real: Architectural Realities, fall 2014, catalogue & special edition for the German Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia 2014, p. 52–62 (bi-lingual edition German/English).

2014 "Passion, Function, and Beauty: Henry van de Velde and His Contribution to European Modernism (extended exhibition review and homage)", in: West 86th – A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, V. 21, No. 1 (spring 2014), p. 142–148, (in English).

2013 "Alleskünstler? – 150 Jahre Henry van de Velde [All-Artist? – 150 Years of Henry van de Velde]", in: Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, No. 11, 2013, V. 101, Magazine of the Swiss Architects Federation BSA, p. 54–55 (in German).

2013 "Silenzio! Fade Out into Blue: Notes on the Visual Presence of Absence in the Closure Frame of Le mépris", in: Framework – The Journal of Cinema and Media 54:1, Spring 2013, p. 111–113 (in English).

2012 "Architecture, Culture, Economy – Notes on the Dialectics of the Post-Contemporary Condition", in: Dialectic – A refereed journal of the School of Architecture, University of Utah, 2012, p. 6–12 (in English).

2012 "Roger Sherman: »L.A. under the influence (book review)«", in: Design and Culture 4.2 – The journal of the Design Studies Forum, summer 2012, p. 245–247 (in English).

2011 "»Hermann Obrist: Skulptur | Raum | Abstraktion um 1900«, edited by Eva Afuhs, Andreas Strobl (book review)", in: Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, Nr. 9, 2011(in German).

2011 "After-Image – A Comparative Rereading of Postmodernism" discussing the recent attempt to historicize and reframe the recent past with a comparative review of the two books K. Michael Hays, »Architecture’s Desire – Reading the Late Avant-Garde« and Reinhold Martin, »Utopia’s Ghost – Architecture and Postmodernism, Again«", in: Cynthia Davidson (ed.), log 21, New York: Anyone Corporation, Winter 2011, p. 107-118 (in English).

2010 "Zur Frage der Postmoderne in der Architektur – K. Michael Hays, Architecture’s Desire – Reading the Late Avant-Garde, Reinhold Martin, Utopia’s Ghost – Architecture and Postmodernism, Again (Buchrezension) [On the Question of Postmodernism in Architecture: K. Michael Hays, Architecture’s Desire – Reading the Late Avant-Garde, Reinhold Martin, Utopia’s Ghost – Architecture and Postmodernism, Again – book review]“ in: Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, No 12, 2010 (in German).

2010 "Kritik der Architekturkritik – Architektur zwischen Gesellschaft und Form [Critique of Architectural Criticism – Architecture between Society and Form]", in: Archplus 200: Kritik, October 2010, p. 120–125 (in German).

2010 "In the Shadow of Monumentality – Ideology, Representation and the German Pavilion at the Biennale di Venezia", in: Cynthia Davidson (ed.), Log 20: Curating Architecture, New York: Anyone Corporation (fall 2010), p. 117–123 (in English).

2010 "Atmosphärische Interferenzen – Die Produktion körperlicher Präsenz im Zeitalter ihrer digitalen Reproduzierbarkeit [Atmospheric Interferences – On the production of physical presence in the age of digital reproduction" in: Parapluie No 26: Visual Culture – elektronische zeitschrift für kulturen · künste · literaturen (in German).

2010 "Materialität, Konstruktion und andere Schweizer Architekturtugenden? – Harry Gugger, Inès Lamunière, Marcel Meili und Daniel Niggli sprechen über Praxis, Theorie und Theorie der Praxis. Ein Report / Materiality, Construction and other Swiss virtues in architecture – Harry Gugger, Inès Lamunière, Marcel Meili und Daniel Niggli talk about practice, theory und theory of practice. A report" in: Swiss Architects eMagazin, January 2010 (in German).

2009 "Post-Modern, Post-Structural, Post-Critical, Post-Political? – Architecture and the post-contemporary condition", in Pedro Gadano (ed.), Beyond No2: Symptoms & Values, Amsterdam: Sun, 2009, p. 128–137, (in English).

2009 "Koloman Moser 1868–1918, edited by Rudolf Leopold and Gerd Pichler (Book Review)" in: Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, No 6, 2009, (in German).

2009 "Jenseits der Beliebigkeit? Vom Streben nach Notwendigkeit, Logik und Erkenntnis in der Architektur [Beyond arbitrariness? On the quest for necessity, logic and knowledge in architecture]" extended review of »Conflicts Politics Construction Privacy Obsession – Materials on the Work of Christian Kerez / Materialien zur Arbeit von Christian Kerez«, in: Archithese 1/2009 Swiss Performance, p. 92–93, (in German).

2008 "SAH/EAHN/ETHZ Conference: Transfer and Metamorphosis: Architectural Modernity between Europe and the Americas 1870 – 1970 (Report)," in: EAHN Newsletter 3/2008, report on the first joined conference of SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) and EAHN (European Architectural History Network) taking place June 26th – 29th 2008 in Zurich, p. 8–12, (in English).

2007 "Atmospheres – Architectural Spaces between Critical Reading and Immersive Presence," in: field – free journal for architecture. Issue 1: Architecture and Indeterminacy, Sheffield University, School of Architecture, 2007, p. 24–41 (in English).

2007 "Aesthetic Radicalism (Theory after Theory?) – 7 Points towards a Reformulation of a Critical Agenda in Architecture", in: An Architektur 18, Special Edition: Camp of Oppositional Architecture 2006, October 2007, p. 48–56 (in English).

2007 "Objected into the Void – Notes on the Polemics of Adolf Loos against Henry van de Velde: a Cultural-Psychological Analysis of Modernity," in: Umení– casopis Ústavu dejin umení Akademie Ved Ceské republiky / Art. Journal of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, V. 55, No. 4/2007, p. 294–315 (in English).

2006 "Report: First EAAE-ENHSA sub-network workshop in architectural theory: »Contents and Methods of Teaching Architectural Theory in European Schools of Architecture« September 21st - 24th 2006, Hasselt, Belgium," in: EAAE News Sheet, 77, Aarhus: Aarhus School of Architecture, October 2007, p. 41–42 (in English).

2006 "The Nietzsche Archive in Weimar – A retroactive Studiolo by Henry van de Velde", essay on the transformation of the last residence of Nietzsche into an art nouveau interior as piece of programmatic art, in: Thresholds 32: Access, Fall 2006, p. 42–46 (in English).

2006 "»Alle reden vom Wetter…«, [»Everybody is Talking about the Weather…«]", essay on immersive and atmospheric rooms between critical reading and projective performance, examples by Diller + Scofidio, Philippe Rahm, Olafur Eliasson, in: Archplus 178: Die Produktion von Präsenz, June 2006, p. 76–81 (shortened German version); part of the Documenta XII Magazines in 2007.

2006 "Robert Somol, Sarah Whiting: Bemerkungen zum Doppler-Effekt und anderen Stimmungen der Moderne [Notes on the Doppler Effect and other Moods of Modernism]" (translation and comment), in: Archplus 178: Die Produktion von Präsenz, June 2006, p. 82–87 (in German)

2005 "Critical, Post-Critical, Projective? Szenen einer Debatte [Critical, Post-Critical, Projective? Scenes of a Debate]", essay on the latest debate about the relevance of theory in disciplinarity and architectural production, in: Archplus 174: OMA pro-jekte, December 2005, p. 92–97 (in German); part of the Documenta XII Magazines in 2007.

2005 "Shape, Line and Color: »Ladislav Sutnar: Design in action«" (art exhibition review), in: JSAH – Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, V.64, No. 1, March 2005, p. 102–105 (in English).

2005 "Architekturen des Augenblicks, Heinz Brüggemann" (book review), in: Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, January 2005, p. 68–69 (in German).

2004 "Über die Melancholie des Gegenständlichen [On the Melancholy of the Objective]", essay on the new National Museum of Liechtenstein, in: Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, June 2004, p. 26–31 (in German).

2004 "Haus Auerbach, von Walter Gropius mit Adolf Meyer (book review)", in: Werk, Bauen und Wohnen, May 2004, p. 76 (in German).

2004 "Absolute Architektur – Die Geburt der Moderne aus dem Geiste der Musik [Absolute Architecture – The Birth of Modernism out of the Spirit of Music]", essay following the leading role of music in the birth of abstract art and architecture, in: TransLate, Zurich: gta, 2004, p. 40–51 (in German).

2003 "Das Schweigen der Götter. Seelen-Landschaften von Caspar David Friedrich und Jean-Luc Godard [The Silence of the Gods. Soul Landscapes of Caspar David Friedrich and Jean-Luc Godard]", essay on the representation of the unseen void in film and landscape painting, in: TransScape, Zurich: gta, 2003, p. 32–39 (in German).

2003 "Die Gedanken tragen weiss. Drei Häuser, ein Bild und der Mythos [The Thoughts bear white. Three Houses, a Painting and the Myth]", essay on the mythological role of the skin in contemporary architecture, in: TransAction, Zurich: gta, 2003, p. 130–137 (in German).


Publications about Theoretical & Curatorial Work:

2014 Stefanie Lieb: "Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van der Velde - von Philosophie zu Form, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag 2013," book review in: Kunstforum, 5/2014

2014 Stefanie Lieb: "Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van der Velde - von Philosophie zu Form, Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag 2013," book review in: Sehepunkte – Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 5/2014

2014 Rowena Fuß: "Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van de Velde – Von Philosophie zu Form, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2012," book review in: Portal Kunstgeschichte, May 5th 2014.

2013 (ak): "Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van de Velde – Von Philosophie zu Form, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2012," book review in: Literarisches Berlin, June 10th 2013.

2013 Jeanette Kunsmann, "Wegbereiter der Moderne: Henry van de Velde,“ homage for Henry van de Velde on his 150th anniversary with a review of my book »Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van de Velde – Von Philosophie zu Form, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2012«", in: Baunetz Woche 315, April 19th 2013, p. 4–16.

2013 Uta Baier, "Philosophie am Bau: Henry van de Velde und Nietzsche," book review of »Ole W. Fischer: Nietzsches Schatten. Henry van de Velde – Von Philosophie zu Form, Gebr. Mann Verlag 2012«, in: Die Welt, March 16th 2013.

2011 Jeanette Kunsmann and Cordula Vielhauer, "Atmosphäre I + II" review of my guest lecture at the international symposium »Rethinking Mies«, RWTH Aachen, in: Baunetz Woche 247, November 11th 2011, p. 14–15 (in German).

2011 Ursula Baus, "Rethink Mies“, selective review of the international symposium “Rethinking Mies", RWTH Aachen including my visiting lecture, in: German Architects Newsletter, November 2nd 2011 (in German).

2010 Roman Hollenstein, "Architekturkritik – Jubiläumsausgabe der Zeitschrift »Arch+«", review of "Archplus 200: Kritik" and the article "Kritik der Architekturkritik", in: NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, December 15 2010 (in German).

2010 Laura Weissmüller, "Sprachlos – Krise und Kritik: Die 200. Ausgabe der Zeitschrift »Arch+«", review of "Archplus 200: Kritik" and the article "Kritik der Architekturkritik", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, November 11 2010 (in German).

2008 Rahel Marti, "»Akos Moravanszky, Ole W. Fischer »Precisions – Architektur zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst (book review)", in: Werk Bauen Wohnen, No 7-8, 2008, p. 73 (in German).

2008 Jean-Baptist Joly, "»Akos Moravanszky, Ole W. Fischer »Precisions – Architektur zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst (book review)", in: Arbitare 483, June 2008, p.

2008 Matthias Boeckl, "»Akos Moravanszky, Ole W. Fischer »Precisions – Architektur zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst (book review)", in: Architektur Aktuell 337, No 4 2008, p. 171 (in German).


Publications about Architectural Work:

2010 Kaye Geipel, Sebastian Redecke, "»People meet in Architecture« Biennale di Venezia 2010 (review)", in: Bauwelt 35.2010 September 10 2010, p. 6-7 (in German).

2010 Hanno Rauterberg, "Räume zum Atmen", review of La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: DIE ZEIT 36, September 2 2010 (in German).

2010 Ursula Baus, "Und wie schön ist doch die Welt", review of La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: German Architects eMagazine, September 1 2010 (in German).

2010 Nikolaus Bernau, "Erbe vor Erfindung – Die Architekturbiennale in Venedig schwelgt in Ruhe, realer Welt und leichter Melancholie", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Berliner Zeitung, August 30 2010 (in German).

2010 Ophelia Abeler, "Abschied vom Darkroom – gemütlich soll es sein. Die 12. Architekturbiennale in Venedig überzeugt mit einer geschickten Ausstellungsdramaturgie", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Die Welt, August 30 2010 (in German).

2010 Amber Sayah, "Hinter dem Tülllvorhang lächelt die Lagune - Architekturbiennale II Der deutsche Pavillon überzeugt mit demThema »Sehnsucht«", review of the the German Pavilion on La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Stuttgarter Zeitung, August 28 2010 (in German).

2010 Christina Tilmann, "Ein Rundgang in Venedig – Sehnsuchtsstätten: Ein Rundgang über die Architektur-Biennale Venedig", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Der Tagesspiegel, August 28 2010 (in German)

2010 Hubertus Adam, "Anatomie der Architektur – Die 12. Architekturbiennale in Venedig verzichtet auf Programmatik und triumphale Gesten", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 28 2010 (in German).

2010 Christian Thomas, "Seelenarbeit als Selfservice", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Frankfurter Rundschau, August 28 2010 (in German).

2010 Czaja Wojciech, "Revolution in der Schwebe – 12. Architekturbiennale", review of the La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Der Standart, August 27 2010 (in German).

2010 "The German Pavilion / Giardini", review and interview of the the German Pavilion on La Biennale di Venezia 2010, in: Domus, August 26 2010 (in English).

2010 "Biennale Venedig 2010 – 12. Internationale Architekturausstellung 2010 – Sonderpublikation zum Deutschen Pavillon", special edition for La Biennale di Venezia 2010 documenting the German Pavilion by Walverwandtschaften Rau Tröger Fischer architects distributed by all major German architectural magazines (77’000 copies), Gütersloh: Bauverlag, August 2010 (in German).

2007 "Schulauer Hafen Wedel [Schulau Harbor Wedel]", documentation of the international urban and landscape planning competition, Hamburg: City of Wedel and Planning Authority Greater Hamburg Area, 2007 (in German).

2005 "Nachnutzung des Fliegerhorstes Oldenburg [Transformation of the Airbase Oldenburg]", documentation of the international urban and landscape design competition, in: Stadt Oldenburg (ed.), Wettbewerb Fliegerhorst Oldenburg, Freiburg: Verlag Wettbewerbe Aktuell, 2005, p. 3; 12 (in German).

2005 "Nachnutzung des Fliegerhorstes Oldenburg [Transformation of the Airbase Oldenburg]", plans and description of the awarded competition entry in: wettbewerbe aktuell, No 10, October 2005, p. 20 (in German).

2005 "Baukunst des Schattens [Architecture of the Shadow]", essay on the memorial public art project in Salzburg of Greub Fischer Architects, in: Antifaschistisches Mahnen und Gedenken in Salzburg. Das Mahnmal auf dem Südtirolerplatz im Kontext, Salzburg: Kulturabteilung Stadt Salzburg, 2005, p. 74 (in German).

2002 "Wohnen am Stiftsbogen München [Housing on the Stiftsbogen, Munich]", plans and description of the awarded competition entry in: wettbewerbe aktuell, No 11, November 2002, p. 14 (in German).

2002 "Speicher_Stadt [Storage_City]", essay on the urban planning project of Greub Fischer Architects, in: Dirk R. Blomeyer (ed.), Alte Hüllen Neue Visionen – Speicherstadt Potsdam, Schwerin: cw Verlagsgruppe, 2002 (in German).